Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Sunday at home

Today was a really good day.  We ran a few errands, but mostly just stayed at home and pottered around.  The weather today really reminded us of Ohio.  The high was only 73, it was overcast and cool all day.   It was breezy and it rained off and on most of the day too.  It is so rare to have an overcast day here that I really enjoyed it.  Solomon was up every hour and a half or two hours last night, so he and I were very tired!  We enjoyed a long afternoon nap.
Then tonight we had Mike, Louann, Renee, Laban, Katie and the girls over for an ice cream party (complete with 14 toppings).  It was great to see Renee (she's been overseas for a month), even though she slept most of the time, and was pretty out of it the rest of the time.  And now that I have consumed my sugar quota for the month... the Smith trio is off to bed!

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