Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 my boys

That's a photo of Solomon and Levi on Thanksgiving.  We went down to Colorado Springs and had a small thanksgiving with some friends.  When I say small I mean that there were only 7 people there.  But we made enough food for about 20 people.  We had turkey, 2 kinds of stuffing, squash/apple/onion pizza, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean/onion/mushroom skillet, bread, a cheesy walnut puff pastry, and 4 kinds of pie.  Delicious!  We just relaxed and cooked and watch the parade.  We also watched some old Christmas Cartoons that I remember from when I was little.  And we played a board game.

I was glad to just take it easy for the day with friends since I had my appendix out last Friday.  Levi and I both had appendicitis in the same year!  It was crazy and stressful and I got a stomach bug from the hospital.  Yuck.  Anyhow, I ended up in the ER before it got really bad or burst because Levi turned into Dr. Levi and was drilling me about how I was feeling.  He remembers what it was like for him and was convinced it was appendicitis a long time before I was willing to go to ER.  Bless him.  And, as Levi pointed out, at least we already met our deductible this year with his surgery.  I would have been madder if it had happened on January 1.  I have my stitches out now and am allowed to lift Solomon into his car seat and out of his chair at the table which makes things  a whole lot easier.  Friends also brought us meals 3 times a week last week and this week which is such a blessing!  And Katie has been my saving grace more than once.

We are so thankful for our health and that I am healing well.

Solomon has been sick with whatever I got from the hospital and was throwing up for 7 days!  He seems to be a lot better today, though.  He hasn't thrown up in more than 24 hours, and his appetite is finally coming back.  He knows 15 signs now and a handful of words.  He knows where his eyes, nose, belly, ears, and hair are.  He has been sleeping a lot lately, but when he's not sick he is just full of determined energy.  We are keeping the house pretty bare of stuff that he can't have so I don't have to keep saying "No." to him all the time because he just likes to get into everything.  He is FINALLY starting to get over his stranger anxiety.  It actually isn't stranger anxiety... it is you-are-not-my-mom anxiety.  But he is warming up to Katie and Laban, Jennifer (my boss), and our neighbors Ryan and Jen.

Okay, this is getting long and I need to switch laundry before Sol wakes up from his nap.  Love you all and miss you.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear you and Solomon are feeling better.
    Thank you for the updates, I really enjoy them!
    Keep em coming.
