Monday, September 28, 2009

5 weeks old!

Solomon is growing up too fast already!  He is getting really good at holding his head up and will follow me with his eyes and head if I walk past him.  He smiles all the time now.  All I really have to do is pick him up or sing him a song or change his diaper to get a smile.  He is a little charmer already!  He has been sleeping much more regularly.  He wakes up, stays up for an hour or two and then sleeps for 3 or 4 hours, this repeats until bedtime.  At night he usually is up at midnight and 4 to eat, but has been sleeping for longer and longer stretches which is awesome for me!

He is hot ALL THE TIME!   This past week the highs were only up around 60 and I tried to bundle him up in sleepers and fleece and he was having none of it!  Just like his dad... Levi is hot all the time.  So I was wearing long pants and socks and a sweatshirt and my two boys were running around in shorts and sometimes t-shirts.

It is starting to feel like fall in Denver.  It seems like fall really sneaks up on us here.  In Ohio things gradually get cooler and wetter and the leaves change slowly.  In Denver it will be chilly and rainy for a couple days (ah... fall!) and then all of a sudden we get a week of sunshine and 80 degree weather.  Then one day I'll be driving down the road and all the leaves will have changed.  The next day there will be 18 inches of snow and fall will be over.

I worked 2 afternoons last week.  It went really well.  The girls love Solomon and are really good about leaving him alone when he sleeps.  They also always ask before they play with him or try to entertain him with one of their toys because they know some things that are safe for almost-six year olds are not safe for babies.  He loves all the extra attention of course.  This week I work 4 afternoons, and then next week all 5.  So hopefully everything continues to go smoothly!

Some pictures for all of you Solomon-deprived Ohioans...






  1. the last picture is so awesome. Look at you guys being a family! I'm so glad that the girls like him and everything is transitioning smoothly. I love you and miss you!

  2. the picture with the baby feet and the rings is so so sweet! I love you guys so much! I cannot wait to meet him!
